The Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why of Hormone/Endocrine- Disrupting Chemicals.

“It’s out-of-date, and backwards, works opposite of science to think and/or believe chemicals and medicines designed by people that do not cure disease are compatible with blood cells. Until proven otherwise it’s accurate, correct and wiser to regard chemicals as harmful to health, be major contributors to sickness and disease! Chemicals are altering our hormones and contaminating our blood cells. Blood cells are made of nutrients of many kinds, including the four organic compounds for all living things. Cells are not made of chemicals made by people for non-living things that pollute red blood cells and the environment. Non-living things (like a rock or piece of paper) lack life and don’t require energy to exist. Physicians lack, or have no training at all on endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Life expectancies in the U.S. are declining and the ever increasing number of hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals, toxic chemicals, and cancer-causing chemicals, in daily use are contributors to the decline.”  James Livingston, M.S., Scientist, Inventor, and maker of BIOLOGICAL GREEN™ specialty products, providing high concentrations of oxygen atoms, e.g., Paradise Oil (
In the words of PhD. professor of Physiology Angel Nadal: “We have now more conclusive evidence than ever that endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure alters hormone actions and affects human health.” Professor Nadal goes on to say “. . . the characteristics of EDC exposure as well as ‘how’ and ‘when’ their effects are noticed has not alarmed the public to the global and urgent matter that endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure represents.” He goes on to say that it’s not a single chemical causing the problem. “. . . There are hundreds of thousands of chemicals on the market, and thousands of new ones are being synthesized each year. Each of them has the potential to cause harm.” “EDCs . . . increase the probability of an individual suffering from chronic diseases . . . that have multifactorial causes. To me, the fact of not having a straightforward cause-effect relationship avoids the public alarm of EDC exposure.” . . . “Evidence also shows that exposures during the perinatal period can trigger obesity later in life.” Obesity is a driver of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The current trends project by the year 2050, 33% (1/3rd) of the U.S. will have diabetes.  Source: Endocrine News (Endocrine Society), Title of article: Forbidden Fruits: The Endocrine-Disrupting Threat of “Obesogens”   By Glenda Fauntleroy, Aug, 2016  
Around eight years ago (2011), I discarded all the people made chemical ingredients in my own bathroom products. I counted 492 chemicals in 11 products. That’s an average of almost 45 chemicals in each bathroom product. Many of those chemicals were 1). endocrine-disrupting chemicals, other(s) were 2). cancer causing, and other(s) were 3). toxic. Some chemical ingredients few can pronounce were all three of those.
A single one (1), out of *1,484 hormone/endocrine-disrupting body damaging chemicals (at latest count Oct. 2019), that contribute to death of blood cells and cause negative health effects are found in 8,246 of the following categories of products (the other 1,483 hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals we do not have the time and space to cover): 1). anti-aging; 2). around eye cream; 3). anti-itch rash cream; 4). acne treatment; 5). after shave; 6). after sun product; 7). athlete’s foot treatment; 8). antiperspirant /deodorant (men’s); 9). antiperspirant/deodorant; 10). anti-fungal treatment; 11). BB cream (liquid beauty or blemish balm cream); 12). body spray; 13). body firming lotion; 14). baby bubble bath; 15). Baby oil; 16). baby shampoo; 17). baby toothpaste; 18). baby soap; 19). baby wipes; 20). baby lotion; 21). baby sunscreen; 22). diaper cream; 23). bath oil/soaks/salts;  24). bubble bath; 25). bar soap; 26). breath fresheners; 27). body powder; 28). brow liner; 29). body wash/cleanser; 30). blush; 31). bronzer/highlighter; 32. CC cream (liquid color correcting cream); 33). conditioner; 34). concealer; 35). corn/callus treatment; 36). cuticle treatment; 37). dandruff/scalp treatment; 38). detangler; 39). depilatory (chemical to remove hair); 40). depilatory men’s (chemical to remove hair); 41). eye makeup remover; 42). eczema damaged skin treatment; . . . these and #43 thru #111 are named later in this paper, which cause negative health effects.
“I was not acutely aware of all the additional chemicals present in such commonplace items, such as dishes, foods, and grooming items. When I am informed about a new endocrine-disrupting chemical, I put forth the effort to discuss it with my patients during their office visits.”  - Tronya Hawkins. MD, obstetrician-gynecologist, St. Vincent Medical Group, Indianapolis.  Source: Endocrine News (Endocrine Society), Title of article: Forbidden Fruits: The Endocrine-Disrupting Threat of “Obesogens”   By Glenda Fauntleroy, Aug. 2016    P.2
We need to develop new methods . . . to test new chemicals released to the market, making sure that they do not alter our hormones. We cannot  continue any longer following the assumption that a chemical is safe until proven otherwise.” - Angel Nadal, PhD, professor, Physiology, Institute of Bioengineering and CIBERDEM, Miguel Hernandez Univ. of Elche, Alicante, Spain.  Source: Endocrine News (Endocrine Society), Title of article: Forbidden Fruits: The Endocrine-Disrupting Threat of "Obesogens"   By Glenda Fauntleroy, Aug. 2016,  P. 2
A few facts: According to the ‘Organic Consumers Association’ the following words: ‘herbal’, ‘natural’, even ‘organic’ on cosmetics labels have no legal definition - they mean nothing and any manufacturer can use them. The side effects of the carcinogens, the endocrine-disrupting and toxic chemicals found in prescription drugs, medications, cosmetics and personal care products result in the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans each year. Read more about this later in the General Public and Consumer Health Warning later.  “While the skin does act as a barrier, many chemicals do penetrate skin, either intentionally or unintentionally . . . Because of its large surface area, the skin may be a major route of entry into the body . . .” (2005, World Health Organization, P.2 of 9) . . . “So long as a molecule or ion is small enough to pass through the porous surface of the skin, it will eventually end up in your bloodstream” (2010, P. 6 of 9).   “Chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream, causing toxic effects. The chemicals may also cause reactions on the skin surface” (1993, EXTOXNET,  “Recent studies by dermatologists at the University of California and a multiple university cooperative team confirm that skin absorption is the major route of entry [for chemicals from skin or hair products getting into the womb]. . . . skin absorbs water to a certain extent, which is why it wrinkles. . . . Beyond the fact that skin can absorb chemicals is the danger that those chemicals pose in the body. Many experts agree that absorption through the skin is more dangerous than through the mouth. Substances absorbed into the digestive system go through the kidneys and the liver where enzymes break them down and often detoxify them, whereas substances absorbed through the skin go through no such process.” Chemicals taken in by mouth are absorbed in the intestines and pass into the venous blood, which is taken to the liver,” Dr. Epstein says. “Carcinogens absorbed through the skin bypass the liver and enter the bloodstream without this protection.” (2009, Aragon, B., P. 1 and 3).  There’s no end of other products consumers can buy that contain hazardous ingredients, including toxic poisons that get inside the bloodstream. And less than 1% of all the chemicals in use in the products we all buy have ever been tested for safety. Just look at the ingredients label if you cannot pronounce the ingredient, if it’s not a nutrient which our cells are made of, simply put it will not benefit your health! Once in the bloodstream, tissues and organs there’s no way out. (2005, P.2 World Health Organization). (2010, P. 6). Topical Magnesium: How It Works [Online]. Available: . . . (2010, April 19, P.2 and 6 of 9).  (1993, EXTOXNET). Cutaneous Toxicity: Toxic Effects On Skin. [Online]. Available: . . . (1993, September).  (2009, Cinco Vidas Blog, Aragon, Britta - author, natural beauty expert and cancer survivor). Toxic Alert: Skin Can Absorb What We Apply to It - Including Cosmetic Chemicals [Online]. Available: . . . (2009, December 18, P.1 and 3).
General Public And Consumer Health Warning - According to data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Toxic Substances Control Act - more than 99% of the 83,000 plus, chemicals used in the products we buy are unsafe (including personal care products and cosmetics). Every product in the bathroom contains an average of seven endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The chemicals in these products have never been tested for safety, nor have they been declared to be safe by any standard, or, review of any kind. Chemicals are also found in prescription drugs, pharmaceuticals/medicines (in trace amounts). Even the FDA approved ingredient bisphenol-A (BPA), a known toxic and endocrine-disrupting chemical is unsafe. The President’s Cancer Panel Report of 2010 summarily rejected as “incomplete and unreliable,” FDA’s claim that BPA is safe. The same panel also rejects the FDA assertion “that neither a ban on the chemical or labeling of BPA-containing products was warranted.” Symptoms of BPA are: miscarriages, lesions, tumors, insulin resistance, prostate cancer, effects sexual differentation of the brain, disrupts prosate and urethra development, and, increases estrogen sensitivity of the mammary gland (P. 352-353 of Criminal Indifference of The FDA To Cancer Prevention, Samuel Epstein, M.D., copyright 2014).
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in medicines and FDA-Approved Prescription Drugs, OTC products, personal care products, pain relief products, etc., released into the bloodstream inside a hospital, and outside (home, care facility, etc.), are linked to sepsis. REMEMBER - WE ALL MAKE OUR OWN BLOOD! Sepsis results in more than 250,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. The National Institute of General Medical Services (Match 12, 2019) reports over 1 million people a year in the U.S. develop severe sepsis, and 15-30 percent (150,000 - 300,000) people die as a result. The blood of Emergency Room patients is contaminated with chemicals on admission, and more ER patients have sepsis on release than when they entered the hospital! According to a second source an article titled: "Sepsis Contributes to as many as half of all hospital deaths in U.S., study says" Adapted from the American Thoracic Society, Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, May 19, 2014, media contact: Shantell Kirkendoll. Chemicals people use on themselves before being admitted to a hospital and chemicals used on patients in hospitals are killing patients! One in ten patients admitted to a hospital have blood infection, a.k.a. sepsis. Fifty-two percent of patients that die in a hospital have the deadly infection sepsis! Four additional patients (or additional 40%), in every ten patients that didn't have sepsis when entering a hospital acquire it while in the hospital. Simply put, a body with healthier blood delays sickness and disease, compared to a body with less healthy blood that much more openly welcomes sickness and disease. From a study entitled: "Varying Estimates of Sepsis Mortality Using Death Certificates and Administrative Codes - United States 1999 - 2014."  For this fifteen year period ther "underlying cause of death" for people in America per year in the age ranges 25-54 was sepsis 139,086 (yr, 1999) - 184,424 (in year 2014). The deadly infection Sepsis kills more 25-54 year-olds than cancer and heart disease combined. Once again, be reminded - WE ALL MAKE OUR OWN BLOOD, and skin absorbs the majority of what we put on it which makes its way to our bloodstream. 
Part I - The “Who” Are The *One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-four Hormone/Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?

Imagine a single drop of a endocrine-disrupting chemical in 20 Olympic swimming pools. What was just described is the equivalent of a 1ppm exposure. One part per million (ppm), is all that it takes to drastically alter human hormones. The human exposure burden costs of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the U.S. alone is estimated to be $340 billion a year.
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are involved in every stage of life from conception on. Every baby born has a 35 year accumulation of EDCs passed to it before birth from both it’s mother and grandmother. Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) Defined - Are chemicals, or chemical mixtures (man-made compounds, man-made synthetics), that interfere with the body’s normal hormone actions, and the pathways hormones travel. Another definition coming from the US Environmental Protection Agency - [E]xogenous agent[s] that interfere[. . .] with [the] synthesis, secretion transport, metabolism, binding action, or elimination of natural bloodborne hormones that are present in the body and are responsible for homeostasis, reproduction, and developmental processes (quoted in Diamanti-Kandarakis et al. 2009).
The industrial processes that create hormone/EDCs use toxic catalysts and reagents. There are seven endocrine-disrupting chemicals (average) in every single product in your bathroom. The data from epidemiological studies of EDCs now supports that “**low dose” exposures influence human disorders, diseases, and disabilities. The use of cosmetics and daily personal care products exposes people to HIGH RISK exposures to EDCs above levels considered to be “safe” (even though “safe” low-dose or high dose chemical exposure limit levels have never been established). Low-dose effects are now detected in the general population. Once a EDC enters the body (include wildlife populations too), these unwelcome chemicals take up residence in every organ of the body. After EDCs enter into the body’s cells altering their development and growth, they also enter into all the body’s tissues and organs there’s no way to flush them out. Inside the body’s organs, EDCs increase and accumulate over time (are additive), and detrimental to human hormones, to life, and to living. If EDCs were actors the roles they would fill in their “dark” repertoire of performances include: diabetes, obesity, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, breast cancer, reproductive organ tissue cancers, uterine fibroids, pelvis inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, polycystic, ovarian syndrome, behavior changes, learning disabilities, ear infections, compromised/reduced immune levels, and fibrocystic disease of the breast to name a few.
On Sept. 2018 the TEDX List of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals included 1,484 chemicals. See (The Endocrine Disruption Exchange) to explore all EDCs, or, to research just one, or more.
Instead of listing all 1,484 of the hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), I’ve put together a short list of the types of products which contain the hormone/EDC methylparaben which is just one (1), of the 1,484 hormone/EDCs. The source of the following information - .  As of this writing there were at least 8,246 different products which include the hormone/EDC methylparaben in their ingredients list. Again, methylparaben is only one (1), of the 1,484 hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The very highest estimates are that about 7% of all the chemicals used in or around a household are tested for safety. Other estimates report that less than 1% of all the chemicals in use have been tested for safety. There are no established “safe” low-dose exposure limits however. With certain EDCs a low-dose exposure is far times more dangerous, than a high dose exposure! It’s also no longer true that porous skin serves as a barrier to keep chemicals out of the body. Skin is highly porous and real world research study results report 60% of what goes on skin gets into the bloodstream, next into the tissues. The 111 different product categories that include this toxic chemical are: 1). anti-aging; 2). around eye cream; 3). anti-itch rash cream; 4). acne treatment; 5). after shave; 6). after sun product; 7). athlete’s foot treatment; 8). antiperspirant/deodorant(men’s); 9). antiperspirant/deodorant; 10). anti-fungal treatment; 11). BB cream (beauty or blemish balm cream); 12). body spray; 13). body firming lotion; 14). baby bubble bath; 15). Baby oil; 16). baby shampoo; 17). baby toothpaste; 18). baby soap; 19). baby wipes; 20). baby lotion; 21). baby sunscreen; 22). diaper cream; 23). bath oil/soaks/salts;  24). bubble bath; 25). bar soap; 26). breath fresheners; 27). body powder; 28). brow liner; 29). body wash/cleanser; 30). blush; 31). bronzer/highlighter; 32. CC cream (liquid color correcting cream); 33). conditioner; 34). concealer; 35). corn/callus treatment; 36). cuticle treatment; 37). dandruff/scalp treatment; 38). detangler; 39). depilatory (chemical to remove hair); 40). depilatory men’s (chemical to remove hair); 41). eye makeup remover; 42). eczema damaged skin treatment; 43). eye liner; 44). eye shadow; 45). exfoliant scrub; 46). Eeyelash glue; 47). fragrance for women; 48). fragrance for men; 49). feminine powder deodorant; 50). feminine moisturizer; 51). foot odor control; 52). foot cleansing;  53). foot moisturizer; 54). foundation; 55). facial moisturizer/treatment; 56). facial cleanser; 57). facial powder; 58). glitter; 59). hair growth inhibitor; 60). hair coloring; 61). hair bleaching; 62). hand cream; 63). hair spray; 64). hair relaxer; 65). hand sanitizer; 66). hemorrhoids; 67). hair loss treatment; 68). hair removal waxes; 69). hormonal cream; 70). lipstick; 71). lip liner; 72). lip gloss; 73). lip balm; 74). liquid hand soap; 75). moisturizer; 76). mask; 77). mascara; 78). mouthwash; 79). muscle/joint soreness; 80).makeup remover; 81). nail polish; 82). nail treatment; 83). nail polish remover; 84). no-match e-cigarettes; 85). oil controller; 86). other eye makeup; 87). pain relief; 88). personal cleansing; 89). pore strips; 90). personal cleansing (men’s); 91). redness\rosacea treatment; 92). scar treatment; 93). shampoo; 94). styling gel/lotion; 95). sunscreen: makeup; 96). sunscreen: moisturizer; 97). sunscreen: SPF< 15; 98). sunscreen: SPF >30;  99). sunscreen - lip palm; 100). sunscreen: SPF 15-30; 101). sunless tanning; 102).styling mousse/foam; 103). shaving cream; 104). shaving cream (men’s); 105). skin fading/lightener; 106). tanning oil; 107). vapor rubs; 108). varicose/spider veintreatment; 109). toothpaste; 110). tooth whiteners and whitening, and; 111). wound treatment . . . to name a few not a complete list. 

“Dishonesty in Product Labeling” - A 2012 research study for the BEUC The European Consumer Organization and The International Consumer Research & Testing reports the following: when more than one endocrine-disrupting chemical is found in a single product the risks exceed the levels the human body can handle. It was also discovered that among 66 products in the research study which were sent to an independent lab for quantitative analysis,
39 times the ingredients listed on the label DID NOT AGREE with the ingredient results of the lab analysis. Put another way, 39 times what was listed on the product ingredients label were not the ingredients in the product.  Forty each (61%), of the 66 products contained at least one EDC (endocrine-disrupting chemical). A total of 20 separate EDCs were found in the 66 products. Combining more than one hormone/endocrine-disrupting substances together in a single product is considered dangerous.

** National Toxicology (NTP), definition of “Low-Dose” - The effects that occur in the range of human exposures or effects observed at doses below those used for traditional toxicological studies.

Part II - The “What” is the Endocrine System and “What” is an Endocrine Disruptor?

“What” is the Endocrine System?
The endocrine system is a very complex network of glands (the pituitary gland, thymus, pancreas, thyroid, testes, uterus, parathyroid, hypothalmus, pineal, the ovaries, and the adrenal glands), that secrete at least 43 specialized substances called hormones (which are all proteins), in the human body. Hormones regulate cellular metabolism, cellular development, growth (pituitary gland), development and maturation, heart rate, digestion, sugar and mineral homeostasis, and reproduction.

“What” is a Hormone/Endocrine-Disruptor?
Hormones are ALL proteins!  Other proteins are tissues, enzymes, and cell membranes. First thing first, Hormones are very specialized substances. When a certain protein needs to be produced, specific hormones will regulate whether to turn a gene “ON” or “OFF” must get inside the nucleus of the cell (which controls the production of proteins and RNA) so it can reach the DNA. Genes are switched “OFF” when there’s a high enough level of protein in the body.
Endocrine disruption occurs following introduction, by any one, or more, of the following methods:

1). The consumption (eating/drinking) of harmful and uncommon to the human body chemicals made by people, machines, in chemical plants; that includes endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs);
2). Injection into the body (from medicine or drugs), internal (from diet, drugs, including prescription drugs), and external exposure to, including topical application onto skin of chemicals and personal care products of every kind you can think of;

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: While I do believe everyone has the right to be wrong, it's much better to know right from wrong!

“Your skin is enough of a barrier to keep fluids within your body, . . . but it also absorbs many things with which it comes in contact” (writes Samual Epstein, MD, and author of  Toxic Beauty , BenBella Books, 2009).  “While the skin does act as a barrier, many chemicals do penetrate the skin, either intentionally or unintentionally . . . Because of its large surface area, the skin may be a major route of entry into the body . . .” (2005, World Health Organization, P.2 of 9).  “So long as a molecule or ion is small enough to pass through the porous surface of the skin, it will eventually end up in your bloodstream” (2010, P. 6 of 9).  (2005, P.2 World Health Organization). (2010, P. 6). Title: Topical Magnesium: How it Works [Online]. Available: (2010, April 19., P. 2 of 9, and P. 6 of 9).  “. . . Only a few hundred of the more than 80,000 chemicals in use in the United States have been tested for safety . . . 1,000 - 2,000 new chemicals are introduced into the environment each year. Yet the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), of 1976 does not include a true proof-of-safety provision . . . neither industry or government confirm the safety of existing or new chemicals prior to their sale and use” (Leffall, & Kripke, 2010, P. 10, 54, of 240).  “. . . industry has a lot of data on these chemicals. They just don’t give it to anybody” Wiles, Richard. Environmental Working Group ( (Leffall, & Kripke. P. 54 of 240).   Leffall, Jr ., LaSalle D. , M.D. , F.A.C.S. Chair & Kripke, Margaret L., Ph.D. (2010). 2008 - 2009 Annual Report - President’s Cancel Panel. REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL CANCER RISK, What We Can Do Now. P. 10, 54, of 240.
3). Environmental exposure (air [indoor and outdoor], water) to industrial processed (including synthetic) toxic chemicals.

Uncommon to the human body chemicals are harmful, cancer and disease causing, and have nothing in common with skin, or the endocrine system. At last count (Sept. 2018) there are 1,484 known endocrine and potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals. " . . . cancer's prime cause is lack of oxygen (hypoxia) to the cell / tissue. The lack of oxygen can be, and often is, intermittent. Cancer can take decades to manifest because the effect is cumulative. ALL cancers have this prime cause, . . ." Source: "CONQUERING CANCER   DIABETES and HEART DISEASE with PARENT ESSENTIAL OILS 'PEO SOLUTION' Brian Scott Peskin, BSEE-MIT, Founder: Life Systems Engineering Science, AND Robert Jay Rowen, M.D., International Authority Oxidative Medicine., P. 380 . 


When the hormones/proteins introduced to the human body by contaminated the result is foreign, toxic and harmful chemicals are produced by cells in glands.  These cancer carrying hormones are then secreted by the glands into the bloodstream in incorrect amounts. The bloodstream now transports incorrect levels of hormones to the cells forming tissues, and the tissues form organs. The earlier “supposed to be correct effect” from hormones before exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), is now compromised into producing, “much worse effects” on the human body. Once a EDC (one or more), irregardless of level of exposure (e.g., low-dose, or high dose) enters the cells forming tissues, and tissues forming organs, they accumulate over time and weaken the cells, setting the body up for sickness and disease. In the above manner described endocrine system diseases begin.

The nervous system and endocrine system are closely related, what damages one, harms the other.  It’s these systems that coordinate which activities occur at each level, so the correct product is not only created, but transported to the correct location in the body.


Part III - The “Why” of Hormone/Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals


Why do the makers of prescription drugs, cosmetics, bottled water, personal care products, and other products include hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals in 60% - 90% of the products they know we’ll buy? Why do we continue to drink from the poison cup their handing us?


First thing first, because they are cheap, and your life is not of paramount importance to them. Follow the money, the money is #1 importance. Certainly there is also a vanity component to the purchase of personal care products, and cosmetics, with the super models and celebrities pushing them. Does it smell nice? I’ll touch upon “fragrance/or parfum” and what those words are code for later (it’s not a good thing). Let’s look at ‘Drano® Liquid Clog Remover’ with the ingredients sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, and sodium silicate - each a hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC). This is a good product so many of us have used. There is a hidden romance here you more than likely have no idea of.


Would you use Drano® Liquid Clog Remover on your face, and smear and slather it all over your body? Before you answer, read the rest.


According to the website there are approximately 2,500 total personal care products made which include, one, or, more than one, of the same three ingredients found in Drano® Liquid Clog Remover mentioned above. Ask yourself this: “Do you use any of the following types of products? Soap, face cleanser, eye wash, eye protector, face wipes, nipple cream, or 89 other personal care and cosmetic products each of which include, one, or more, of the ingredients found in Drano® Liquid Clog Remover?” Again, you can buy close to 2,500 personal care, cosmetic products to apply topically to your skin and face with some of the same ingredients found in the Drano® product mentioned above. Would you willingly pull an item off the shelf if you were aware the ingredients in it were accumulating in your body each time you use it and it was shortening your number of healthy days/or years, setting your body up for sickness and disease? If there were a skull and crossbones included on the label beside the chemicals, would that change your buying habits. Women buy 80% of the products found inside a household, why continue to buy many of the same ole things? Would you continue to drink from the same cup of harmful and hazardous ingredients, after your fully aware it contains a few drops of chemicals harmful to the tissues and organs of your body? Toxicologist and epidemiologist know that at least 60% of what we put on our skin will penetrate and enter our bloodstream, so doesn’t it make sense to use products with ingredients that compliment and rejuvenate a blood cell like Paradise Oil instead of products that degrade and contaminate blood cells? Once a cell is damaged by chemicals and lose 35% of it’s oxygen the body's blood cells often becomes cancerous.


This drove me to wonder what the late Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (M.D., PhD., biochemist, whose work on the oxidation of nutrients by the cell earned him the 1937 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, A Biologist for the Young [is how he described himself] 1893-1986 ) would think if he was alive today? In his own words: “What are we doing to ourselves?” The decision-making we use to select products thinking they are safe inside a store on a store shelf while ignoring the fact that at least 93% of the chemical ingredients, (including those labeled ‘natural’) aren’t safe! Why do we have the steadfast loyalty to the products we use, that drives us to buy them, over, and over, and over again? Slowly contaminating our blood cells with each and every use, and every continued purchase. In his book “The Crazy Ape” from page 79: “According to one of the most basic sciences, thermodynamics, there are two kinds of qualities: qualities which one can add up are additive, and qualities which one cannot add up are non-additive. . . . Unfortunately, stupidity is additive, while intelligence seeks its own way. . . . modern science, which has enabled man to create heaven or hell on earth. We can create a world of happiness, health, and dignity, or a world of terror and misery, marching to its doom. The choice is ours. . . . All of us have a little stupidity in us, say 10 percent, and the stupidity is additive.”

A word on product marketing and advertising. Nothing spoken in print or television advertising has to be the truth. More on this later in the remaining three parts.


All our products are free of hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Try and find another product telling you that.


Part IV - The “When” Are We First Exposed to Hormone/Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals?

Before we’re born is the answer. Every stage of life, and all the vital systems (e.g., the orchestration of our metabolism, all our immune functions, our behavior, reproduction, intelligence, obesity, etc.), are controlled by the endocrine system. More than $1,000,000,000,000.00 (one trillion dollars) a year is spent in the United States on hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemical problems. The growth and development of fetuses and embryos are controlled by the endocrine system, For males, testicular cancer takes root during the period of fetal development long before birth. Females too are also affected by endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the womb. In 2005 it was discovered that low dose exposures to **bisphenol A (BPA), found today (year 2019) in 132 “high hazard” safety level of the ingredients in products as categorized by The level has increased by six products (from 126 to 132), since the first writing of this in 2013. The 132 “high hazard” categories of products are: eye pencil, eye shadow, eye glitter eyeliner, and a long list of nail polishes. The low dose exposures to BPA resulted in aneuploidy (a genetic abnormality, from too many chromosomes) in the fetuses which was often linked to miscarriages. Rodent studies conducted years earlier (2003), by Patricia Hunt drew the same conclusions. Another example: the daughters of women who took the chemical DES (given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages from 1940 - 1971, banned in the late 70s) suffered the negative side effects of this hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemical. The daughters of the women using DES, had higher rates of malformed reproductive organs, reproductive problems, and reproductive cancers. From the above evidence the many more lab and human epidemiological studies it’s been confirmed that what we each subject our body to today can and are transmitted to future generations.


**Evidence from a 2010 study of eighteen (18), bottled waters reported 72% contained hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals capable of blocking estrogen activity.


Part V - The “Where” Do I Find Products Free of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)?

Purchase A).“BIOLOGICAL GREEN™” or B).“USDA Certified Organic” (please don’t confuse BIOLOGICAL GREEN™ [a 3 part formally defined term ENDURE56, LLC products are made to] with USDA Certified Organic. And don’t confuse A). and B). with any/or all of the following labels: nontoxic, green, environmentally safe, organic [on products], herbal, and ‘all natural’. Often those labels refer to just a single ingredient in a product and legally don’t mean what consumers think. The “USDA Certified Organic” label is slow and much harder to obtain than ‘Organic’ which is oftentimes just a marketing gimmick. BIOLOGICAL GREEN™ is the single hardest label to build and obtain by definition, but it and ‘USDA Certified Organic’ are the two best choices a person can make.


The powerful endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC), ‘Perchlorate’ a primary ingredient in rocket fuel is found in all humans tested. Why? It continually makes its way into the feed for animals, the edible plants both humans and animals eat, the drinking water, milk and breast milk.


. . . A study of perchlorate levels in North America reported that:  “Conventionally and organically grown lettuce and other leafy vegetable samples were collected from production fields and farmer’s markets in the central and coastal valleys of California, New Mexico, Colorado,  Michigan, Ohio, New York, Quebec, and New Jersey.”  Results of the lettuce and leafy vegetable samples show that 16% of the conventionally produced samples and 32% of the organic produced samples had quantifiable levels of perchlorate . . . Estimated perchlorate exposure from organically produced leafy vegetables was approximately 2 times that of conventional produce . . .”


It’s no longer possible to believe that you can avoid toxins simply by eating organic, unless something is done about the conventional and dominant food production and distribution system (Mercola, 2011).  Mercola, . (2011) . Perchlorate: Has this Chemical Destroyed the Meaning of Organic? [Online] . Available: -the-meaning-of-organic.aspx [2011 , July 2014].


A product line named “Active Naturals” whose product spokesperson used to be on the television show “Friends” products were studied. Three of the products contained a total of 33 endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The average number EDCs per product were 11 hormone/EDCs. When more than one EDC is present in a single product is a situation every living person would remain healthier if they were avoided. The most harmful effects on human and animal health occur when more than one EDC are in a single product are discussed in the next paragraph.


Let’s take a look at Ensure® Original and in doing so see the following five (5), endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), on its ingredients label as of Oct. 2019: 1. Red 3, 2. Zinc sulfate, 3. Sodium molybdate, 4. Chromium chloride, 5. Sodium selenite. Again, more than one endocrine-disrupting chemicals in a product results in the most harmful effects. A few of the words used to describe the five individual EDCs in Ensure® Original are: “hazardous”, “has negative impacts on reproductive system for men and women”, “stomach issues”, “irregular bleeding, and ulcers”, “harmful active ingredient by-product of copper metal refining”, “EPA has categorized it as unsafe”, “can be toxic to cells”, “dangerous to the environment.” In 2014 Carrol Krause retired from her journalism career because of ovarian cancer. Prior to her death Carrol started having problems digestion problems and could no longer eat regular food. Carrol was being fed items by Ensure®: a drink that was supposed to be apple juice, pudding and shakes. All three had plenty of chemicals. Almost every healthcare facility has Ensure® items available for their patients. In her final days Carrol Krause writes: “Hospice had the very best of intentions, . . . the stuff they sent over was not real FOOD. In fact, I’m outraged at the idea that they feed this stuff to dying people.” I urge you to read ‘Stories by Carrol’ available online at: Title: FOOD? OR VILE GLOP? Blog account by Carrol Krause, Sept. 1, 2015.

The cosmetics and personal care product industries are self-regulated this means the makers of the chemicals are also deciding themselves if products they make are safe to use. It’s easy to think of the conflict of interest and product bias from such a situation. Only when a chemical is proven unsafe will it be removed from the supply chain. It can take decades to “prove” a chemical is unsafe and because of the combination of chemicals in most products it’s almost impossible to prove.

Buy BIOLOGICAL GREEN™ (defined at or ‘USDA Certified Organic’ on products (this label is on foods too). Other “organic” rip-offs, most likely include endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). All ENDURE56, LLC products include 27 plus, anti-cancer plant-based nutrient ingredients. While ENDURE56, LLC products do contain beta-carotene (viatamin A) in trace amounts (which is on the list of 1,484 potential hormone/endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The concentration of EDCs in our products is so tiny, in relationship to the low-dose “safe” level recommended by the American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrtion and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention (May 4, 2911,, that it’s of no consequence in any way to one’s health. More importantly the 49 antioxidants in U.S. Patent 9,139.754 B1 in Paradise Oil completely negate any/all damage from the trace amount of beta carotene. Beta carotene (vitamin A in the plant-based form) itself is a antioxidant. Use of Paradise Oil will reduce the harmful effects from the average seven (7), EDCs found in every product your using. HOW? Paradise Oil is free of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Paradise Oil provides 64 nutrients and elements compatible to a red blood cell. No other product, including oil of any kind is BIOLOGICAL GREEN™ (defined), 100% drug free, 99.9% plant-based. No other product/or oil provides the ‘four organic compounds’ found in every living thing, while also providing ‘the 6 ingredients of life’, the “20 essentials of life’, or as many oxygen atoms as Paradise Oil.


Part VI - “How” Do I Know By Looking At the Ingredients Label Of A Product if It Contains Hormone/Endocrine-Disrupting Chememicals?

The best way is to acquaint yourself with the website “The Endocrine Disruption Exchange” at the domain Another very good way, is to look closely and determine if the ingredients are nutrients you would eat. A pretty safe practice to follow, if the ingredients are safe to eat, more than likely they will be free of, or include less damaging endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

*Count as of September 2018 (

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