FACT: Medicines Are Drugs! 

       FACT: God, Jesus, Luke

       the Physician, Moses, and

       the disciples primary 

       nutrient composition in 

       great majority of what was

       used in the Bible, e.g., 

       spit/saliva, mud, oils

       (olive, myrrh, cinnamon),  

       poultice of figs, etc., to 

       treat, cure, or heal, were

       fatty acids, not todays


       QUOTE: "Natural forces

       within us - are the true 

       healers of diseases." -

       Hippocrates (the Father 

       of Medicine). 



Paradise Oil 29 Beneficial Properties:

1. Quick/or instant pain relief
2. Anti-aging
3. Healing
4. Wound healing (accelerated)
5. Antibacterial
6. Anti-cancer
7. Anti-carcinogenic
8. Anti-itch
9. Antifungal
10. Anti-infective

11. Anti-inflammatory
12. Anti-viral
13. Anti-itch
14. Skin/Scalp conditioning
15. Nasal decongestant
16. Emollient skin softening 
17. Moisturizing/skin hydration
18. Moisture retention
19. Expectorant
20. Fungicide
21. Healing
22. Oxygen transporting vitamins & minerals

23. Cell regeneration 

24. Lubricating

25. O2, O3, O4. O5, O6, O7. O14 oxygen

26. High cellular energy properties

27. Penetrating

28. Sodorific substance (assists in removal of toxins)                   

29. Will NOT clog pores



68 SKIN NUTRIENTS [no harmful side effects or adverse reactions]:

Paradise Oil provides sixty-eight "healthy" skin and skin cell nutrients (they are not the same) for application on the skin to replace and restore damaged surface of skin and rejuvenate skin cells from top layer to bottom layer. 

FACT: It's extremely rare for any single person to have "healthy" skin. One-third of Americans at any given time have a skin disease. Healthy skin/or eudermic skin is normal skin. Normal skin is the rarest skin to find.  

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58 PAIN (includes Shingles) + CHRONIC PAIN + MUSCLE PAIN + NERVE PAIN NUTRIENTS [no harmful side effects or adverse reactions].

Apply Paradise Oil on skin to replace and restore damaged skin cells, also regenerate skin cells. It is safe to say everyone's cells are UNHEALTHY because near half of the nutrients inside all cells, and cell membranes (every cell has one), the medical system ignores, and will not measure in any blood test. The pain combating and reducing nutrients are: Extra virgin olive oil, ozonated olive oil (O3) is a proven pain reliever for people with shingles and severe osteoarthritis, also combats joint pain, magnesium, zinc, calcium, the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, vitamin E alpha-tocopherol, vitamin E gamma-tocopherol, and K. Healthy fatty acids: (most important oleic) C18:1n9 omega-9, (ALA) C18:3n3 omega-3, (DPA) C22:5n3 omega-3, (EPA) C20:5n3 omega-3, (DPA-n3) C22:5n3 omega-3, (DHA) and C22:6n3 omega-3. Four each L-proteinogenic plant-based amino acids: tryptophan, glutamine, tyrosine, and cysteine. Fruits: cherries, blueberries. Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, asparagus, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, beets and carrots. USDA certified organic essential oils (the great majority of essential oils are synthetic, not real), included in Paradise Oil is peppermint essential oil, clove essential oil, tea tree essential oil. Nine monoterpenes providing antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Four terpenes: anti-insect, and anti-microbial properties. 

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80 ANTI-AGING and PHOTOAGING NUTRIENTS [no harmful side effects or adverse reactions].

Eighty anti-aging nutrients helps to neutralize free radicals that accelerate aging and damage cells. Gram per gram no other product made by any maker of skin moisturizing and protection products - ingredients do more to facilitate cell regeneration, provide anti-aging and assist in preventing photoaging from UVA, UVB and UVC exposure. The 69 oxygen providing nutrients increase the oxygen which enables the antioxidant defenses of the body to protect both skin and tissues from oxidative stress. No other product provides all of the following: oxygen singlets, and seven other forms of/allotropes of oxygen: O2 (oxygen molecule), O3 (activated oxygen), O4, O5, O6, O7, and O14. Other anti-aging "healthy" cell and tissues nutrients in Paradise Oil: vitamins A, B3, B6, B7, B9, C, D, E gamma-tocopherol, extra virgin olive oil, and red raspberry seed oil. The fatty acids: oleic C18:1n9 omega-9 (10X to 100X more powerful than resveratrol in wine), seven each omega-6s, three each omega-3s, and DERM approved for skincare stearic acid C18:0. The two nucleic acids RNA and DNA, and protein. Twenty each amino acids (made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen) all 20 contributing to the body's oxygen metabolism. Thirteen varieties of mushrooms, vegetables: spinach, kale, carrot, and broccoli. Fruits: blueberries, orange, strawberries, and papaya. The elements: magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium, copper, and iron. And the essential nutrient: choline.  

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58 BRAIN NUTRIENTS INCLUDING ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE COMBATING PLUS BRAIN'S "FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH" ACTIVATING FATTY ACID ARE IN PARADISE OIL (51 of which will break through the blood-brain barrier [no harmful side effects or adverse reactions].

FACT: The brain is about 60% fatty acids!

Fifty-eight "healthy" brain nutrients (apply on skin) to replace and restore damaged cells are provided in Paradise Oil to assist in improving brain health and combating Alzheimer's disease. EVERYONE'S CELLS ARE UNEALTHY! Healthy "oleic acid is a key to activating the brains "Fountain of Youth" (Source: sciencedirect.com, Baylor College of Medicine, March 22, 2022)." Eighty percent (80%), of blood fatty acids test participants oleic acid levels and/or concentrations increased after a single application of 9g (about 3.5 teaspoons), of Paradise Oil on skin. Oleic acid which again, activates the brains "Fountain of Youth" can also cross the blood-brain barrier which is necessary to improve brain health. Other than oleic omega-9 fifty (50), other nutrients, 51 total can all break the blood-brain barrier. In regards to Alzheimer's disease "The concentration of six healthy fatty acids in key brain regions are associated with Alzheimer's disease cognitive symptoms and neuropathology, according to a study published in 'PLOS  Medicine' (Source: Public Library of Science, Title: Brain Fatty Acid levels dysregulated in Alzheimer's disease, 21 March, 2017. Definition of dysregulated - someone who has difficulty controlling their emotions in the same way as others)." All six fatty acids (three omega-3s, two omega-6s, and vital omega-9 oleic) in the study are in Paradise Oil. 

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33 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE NUTRIENTS [no harmful side effects or adverse reactions].

Thirty-three "healthy" 'alternative medicine' apply on skin nutrients to replace and restore damaged and unhealthy cells. NO ONE'S CELLS ARE HEALTHY! 

The Mayo Clinic published a book of alternative medicine nutrients. Paradise Oil includes 33 of the alternative medicines in the book, as follows: USDA organic tea tree essential oil. Vitamins: B3, B6, B9, *B12, C, D, and *E. Minerals: iron, chromium, calcium, selenium, *magnesium, and zinc. Proteinogenic L-amino acids: L-leucine and L-arginine. The plant sterols in extra virgin olive oil. Besides the nutrients listed to this point Paradise Oil also includes the "healthy" fatty acids *C18:3n6 (GLA) omega-6, *C20:4n6 arachidonic omega-6, *C22:6n3 (DHA) omega-3, and *C20:5n3 (EPA) omega-3. Five Fruits: strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, cranberry, orange. Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, carrots, brussels sprouts, kale, garlic, and cauliflower (Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine, Brent Bauer, M.D., Published by Time Inc., Home Entertainment Books, copyright 2007 Mayo Foundation for Education and Research). 

*Magnesium - Increased in concentration .66 ug/mL in red blood cells after 9g (about 3.5 teaspoons) of Paradise Oil applied on skin of test participant.

*Vitamin B12 - Increased in concentration 41 pg/mL in red blood cells after applying 9g (about 3.5 teaspoons) of Paradise Oil on skin of test participant. 

*Vitamin E - gamma-tocopherol is the major vitamin E in the diet increased 167 ng/mL in red blood cells after applying one single 9g (about 3.5 teaspoons) of Paradise Oil on skin.

*C18:3n6 (GLA) omega-6 "healthy" fatty acid increased in concentration in red blood cells in 50% of test participants after a single application of 9g (about 3.5 teaspoons) of Paradise Oil applied on skin. 

*C20:4n6 arachidonic omega-6 "healthy" fatty acid increased in concentration in 50% of test participants after 9 grams (about 3.5 teaspoons) of Paradise Oil applied on skin.

* C20:5n3 (EPA) omega-3 increased in 50% of test participants after a single application of 9 grams Paradise Oil is applied on skin (about 3.5 teaspoons). 

*C22:6n3 (DHA) omega-3 "healthy" fatty acid decreased in concentration in 75% of test participants. This means the oxygen transporting red blood cells in three of every four test participants red blood cells repelled this fatty acid because they did not need more. Read the following fact please!

Fact: Not taught by any level of educators at any level and unknown by 99% of the population is the truth that cells will not uptake any nutrients they do not need more of. They cannot be fed. Take omega-3 fish oils. By the way no omega-3s in Paradise Oil come from fish or marine sources, they all come from plants. How does a person taking omega-3s fish oil supplements know their cells need any additional? They do not know! One of the most important FACTS any person can know is:

           "The cells are not fed. They feed themselves (Book: The Biochemic System of Medicine, Third Edition. George Washington Carey, M.D., and Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler, M.D.,)."  

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1. Oxygen (a "healthy" cell breathes oxygen for energy. Cancer cells become weaker in presence of oxygen). Sixty-nine (93%) of the 74 in common nutrients with red blood cells in Paradise Oil are oxygen providing.    2. 100% Pure grade USDA Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil    3. Red raspberry seed oil    4. L-Alanine amino acid  5. Alfalfa   6. Apricots    7. L-Arginine amino acid   8. Asparagus    9. B6 vitamin   10. B12 vitamin   11. Barley grass   12. Beets    13. Beta carotene (vitamin)  14. Vitamin E in the plant forms of gamma-, alpha-, and delta-tocopherols   15. Broccoli   16. Brussels sprouts    17. C (vitamin)    18. Cabbage    19. Carrot    20. Cauliflower   21. Cherries. 22.  Chlorella   23. Cranberry   24. D (vitamin)   25. Blue-green algae   26. Folic acid vitamin B9    27. Garlic   28. Grapes   29. Kale   30. L-lysine amino acid   31. Mushrooms (Reishi and Shiitake)   32. Blueberries   33. Omega-3 (EFA a PUFA)       34. Orange   35. Parsley    36. Pineapple    37. Papaya   38. Selenium (element)      39. Spinach   40. Strawberries   41. L-Valine amino acid    42. Wheat grass

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FIFTY-THREE IMMUNE SYSTEM NUTRIENTS [no harmful side effects or adverse reactions].

A primary "Healthy" fatty acid nutrient in Paradise Oil is omega-9 oleic fatty acid. This vital acid and fifty-two more strengthening nutrients replace and restore damaged cells. Many diseases, alcohol, not enough sleep, stress, medicines, drugs, smoking, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Type 1 and Type II diabetes, the flu, measles, certain cancers (like blood cancer multiple myeloma), HIV/AIDS, liver and kidney disease, certain medicines (corticosteroids), pregancy, Crohn's disease, and more, all harm and weaken the immune system. 

In blood tests run over five years on test participants after each one applies 9g (about 3.5 teaspoons) Paradise Oil on same skin areas. The laboratory fatty acids analysis of their blood shows 80% of the time oleic fatty acid increases in percent concentration, after just one use. Gram per gram no other product, medicine or drug swallowed comes close to equalling that performance, and none can top it. "The beneficial roles oleic acid has, has been found in several diseases: coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, . . . (Source: ncbi.nlm.ni.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6835877 Title: Role of Oleic Acid in the Gut-Liver Axis: From Diet to the Regulation of its Synthesis Via Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase 1 (SCDI), published Sept. 24, 2019)." Extra virgin olive oil, is 66% - 78% oleic acid has been extensively studied for its contribution to disease prevention. Extra virgin olive oil, the highest quality olive oil made is the primary oil in Paradise Oil. 

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