Paradise Oil

There is NO SWALLOWED, topical, and transdermal product made with greater BIOAVAILABILITY of identical nutrients the body, brain, and oxygen providing red blood cell membranes are made of, delivering energy providing, sickness and disease combating nutrients so quickly (five minutes) after applied on skin. Some of what Paradise Oil provides: 1). 75 identical blood cell membrane nutrients; 2). 45 skin/anti-aging nutrients; 3). 33 alternative medicine nutrients; 4). 29 beneficial side-effects; 5). four organic compounds found in all living things and no other product/medicine/etc.; 6). twelve fatty acids found in commercial red wines; 7). thirty superfoods; 8). nutrient that can kill cancer cells; 8). few minutes time/or immediate pain relief; 9). accelerated wound healing; 10). all sickness and disease combating. 11). eleven LDL-C bad cholesterol lowering nutrients.  

2 FL. OZ., 59 mL

Price: $55.00
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